My First Mosaic Workshop – 4/27/2013!

Since I also don’t like packing up a lunch, so I provided a healthy lunch of vegan minestrone soup, salad and french bread. Filtered water, coffee, tea, iced tea, banana bread, and deviled eggs were available throughout the day, too.
I remembered my first time in Japantown at the Kinyokuniya Store – probably in 1996 or so. The store had nowhere near 200 papers to choose from, but what was there was a visual feast! I ended up with only three patterns on that first adventure, and I still have them. If you had told me then where those three papers would lead, I never would have believed you. What a journey it has been. And now, the workshops give me a way to share it.

As we began, I sprung a little surprise on them by offering the opportunity to practice with small mosaics before diving into the big one. They could then turn those small mosaics into cards at the end of the day. I was impressed and inspired by their designs! I almost think they liked this part of the workshop best.
Shortly before lunchtime, they began working on the big mosaics. I resisted the temptation to look too soon. When I finally looked around 2:30 – WOW! They all came up with original ideas and were running with them.
They were such a wonderful group of women! Take a look at their creations: