Washi Mosaic Workshop


POST COVID NOTE: I realize that the threat from COVID is substantially less now than it was when I stopped doing workshops in 2020. Because we will be spending the entire day together, and due to my own health concerns, I will be supply and requiring that workshop attendees properly wear the provided masks (ie, the nose and mouth are completed covered while in the studio). I am still evaluating how the lunch offering will be presented, and as I get clear on that, I will let attendees know. Please be sure that you will be comfortable wearing a mask for the duration of the workshop when you sign up.

Join me in my Santa Rosa studio for one of my day-long (10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.) Washi Mosaic workshops. My goal for attendees is that they step into a working artist’s studio and assume the role of artist. Each guest artist has his/her own creative station furnished with all the tools I use, and has their choice of working with over 400 differently colored and patterned washi papers (NOTE: not all of the papers in my collection are available for use).

By the end of the day, each guest artist leaves with a completed matted mosaic in a black frame that can be proudly displayed on the walls or tabletops of their home. We focus on the mosaic style pictured to the above. To see examples of work other workshop participants completed. please see my page from the very first mosaic workshop on April 27, 2013.

You are also welcome to join me for a complimentary salad bar lunch at noon & to enjoy complimentary snacks, iced tea & filtered water throughout the day. NOTE: This offering may change a bit and I will keep attendees informed of the changes as I get clear on them.

The cost for the workshop is $150, & it includes everything necessary to make & frame the mosaic in a black 11×14” frame. All the tools you need will be available for you to use, & there will be something extra that will be a lot of fun, too.

I will also have some of my papers available for purchase sized at approximately 8 x 10″ ($3.29 per sheet).

The workshops will generally follow the following format:

  • 10:00:  Arrive and get settled
  • 10:10:   Introductions & overview of the mosaic process
  • 10:20:  Paper selection & practice
  • 10:30:  The mosaic process begins!
  • 12:00:  Break for lunch
  • 12:45 – 3:45:  continue working on mosaic
  • 4:00:   Mosaic complete and ready to finish
  • 4:00 – 5:00:  sealing the mosaic and framing

The timeframe is flexible, & some participants/artists may well finish before 5:00. That’s fine – we can move to the finishing steps when you are ready. I do frame the works in the order in which they are completed, so you should plan to be present from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

2025 Workshop Dates Will Be Announced in January, 2025.

Please check back then.

To sign up for the course or if you have questions, please call me at (707) 479-0847 during my normal business hours (10:00 am to 5:00 pm). Payment via credit card over the phone is required to complete registration, or a check can be mailed.

Click here to sign up for my email list to get notice of the next dates, once they are announced.My

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